

Accelerator driven sub-critical systems——a promising solution for cycling nuclear fuel

  • 摘要: 加速器驱动次临界系统(Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System,ADS)是利用加速器产生的高能强流质子束轰击重核时产生的外源中子,来驱动次临界堆芯中裂变材料发生的持续的链式反应,使得长寿命放射性核素最终变为非放射性的或短寿命的核素,并维持反应堆运行,因而具有该系统所固有的安全性。ADS的中子能谱硬,通量大,能量分布宽,嬗变长寿命核素能力强,可大幅降低核废料的放射性危害,实现核废料的最少化,被国际公认为是核废料处理最有前景的技术途径。文章介绍了ADS研究的国家需求,概述了ADS技术原理及挑战,同时介绍了中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)“未来先进核裂变能——ADS嬗变系统”这一研究课题实施进展情况,并对未来发展进行了展望。


    Abstract: An accelerator driven sub-critical system (ADS) that utilizes spallation neutrons as an external neutron source to drive the sub-critical blanket system has inherent safety features. It is universally regarded as the most promising approach for the disposal of the long-lived nuclear wastes because of its hard and wide neutron spectra, and large flux. In addition to its ability to reduce significantly the lifetime and volume of nuclear waste, it also has the potential for nuclear fuel breeding and nuclear power generation, which could improve the utilization efficiency of nuclear fuel resource. In this paper we describe the basis principles, challenges and current status of ADS research worldwide. A brief review of the progress of China's ADS research program is then presented, followed by an overview of the outlook for future developments.


