

Progress in precision mass measurements of atomic nuclei

  • 摘要: 原子核质量的精密测量是原子核物理学的重要课题之一,它对探索奇特原子核的结构和性质、重元素核合成之谜等均具有重大意义.文章简要介绍了原子核质量高精度测量的两个主要设备——储存环和潘宁阱,并回顾了近年来原子核质量精密测量在核结构、元素核合成、新同核异能素等领域中的研究亮点,探讨原子核质量测量的发展趋势.


    Abstract: Precision mass measurement of atomic nuclei is one of the most challenging and important tasks in nuclear physics. It plays an essential role in nuclear structure studies and in understanding the role of atomic nuclei in the cosmos. In this paper, two major facilities for precision nuclear mass measurements, storage rings and Penning traps, will be briefly described. The progress in direct mass measurements in recent years and the highlights of applications such as nuclear structure determination, nucleosynthesis, and the search for new isomers will be reviewed. Future trends of nuclear mass measurement will also be discussed.


