

Surface plasmon subwavelength optics: principles and novel effects

  • 摘要: 表面等离子体是沿着导体表面传播的波,当改变金属表面结构时,表面等离子体激元(surface plasmon polaritons, SPPs) 的性质、色散关系、激发模式、耦合效应等都将产生重大的变化.通过SPPs与光场之间相互作用,能够实现对光传播的主动操控.表面等离子体光子学(plasmonics)已成为一门新兴的学科,它的原理、新颖效应以及机制的探究,都极大地吸引研究者们的兴趣.SPPs具有广阔的应用前景,例如,应用于制作各种SPPs元器件和回路,制作纳米波导、表面等离子体光子芯片、耦合器、调制器和开关,应用于亚波长光学数据存储、新型光源、突破衍射极限的超分辨成像、SPPs纳米光刻蚀术、以及生物光学(作为传感器和探测器).文章介绍了表面等离子体光子学原理、新颖效应和物理机制,并简述若干应用.


    Abstract: Surface plasmons are waves that propagate along the surface of a conductor. By altering the structure of a metal's surface, the properties of surface plasmons, such as their dispersion, modes, and the coupling effect, can be significantly changed. In particular their interaction with light can be controlled and tailored, which offers the potential for developing new types of photonic deviceses. This could lead to miniaturized photonic circuits with length scales that are much smaller than those currently achieved. Plasmonics has become one of the frontierfields of research. The principles, novel effects , and physical mechanisms of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) are attracting wide interest due to bright prospects of potential applications in subwavelength optics, data storage, light generation, microscopy and bio-photonics. The basic principles of SPPs, their novel phenomena, and some potential applications are introduced in this review.


