

Spectroscopic surveys of LAMOST

  • 摘要: 文章着重介绍了中国自主创新的LAMOST望远镜以及所取得的光谱巡天成果。LAMOST是一种新型的反射施密特望远镜,它突破了大规模光谱巡天所需要的大视场兼备大口径望远镜的技术瓶颈,成为世界上天体光谱获取率最高的望远镜。自2011年10月到2014年6月,LAMOST获得了413万条天体光谱,其中有378万条恒星光谱和包括220万条恒星光谱的参数星表。


    Abstract: The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST),a new type of reflecting Schmidt telescope, has been designed and produced in China. It marks a breakthrough for large scale spectroscopic survey observation in that both large aperture and wide field of view have been achieved. LAMOST has the highest spectrum acquisition rate, and from October 2011 to June 2014 it has obtained 4.13 million spectra of celestial objects, of which 3.78 million are spectra of stars, with the stellar parameters of 2.20 million stars included.


