

The Tianlai project:radio detection of dark energy and the Square Kilometre Array

  • 摘要: 暗能量约占宇宙总密度的3/4,但其与普通物质的相互用非常微弱,因此对它的探测主要是通过对宇宙膨胀历史和结构形成的精密观测间接进行的.为了提高研究的精度和可靠性,需要综合多种观测手段.目前的大部分暗能量观测实验采用光学方法,而射电观测提供了一种不同的、有独特优势的方法,但目前还处在起步阶段.我国在射电天文及相关技术方面有一定基础,且国内已有电磁环境良好的站址,有很好的条件开展这方面的研究,并有可能在这一领域中取得领先.文章介绍了作者已开始进行的天籁计划实验以及这一实验中积累的经验和研发的技术,这有助于中国参与国际上空前巨大的平方千米阵(SKA)射电望远镜项目,并在其中发挥作用.


    Abstract: Dark energy makes up about three quarters of the total cosmic density,but its interaction with ordinary matter is very weak,hence its detection is indirect,i. e. through precise observation of the history of the cosmic expansion and the formation of its structure. To improve the accuracy and reliability of measurements,diverse ways of observation are necessary. At present,most dark energy observations are in the optical wavelength regime,while radio detection provides an alternative method with its own niche,although at present it has only just started. China has some basis in radio astronomy and related technology,and there are sites with a good electromagnetic observation environment,so it is possible for her to take the lead in this area. This article describes the Tianlai experiment,which should help China gain experience and develop the necessary technology to participate and play a role in the colossal international Square Kilometre Array radio telescope project.


