

Studies of cosmic ray showers by Hu Chien-Shan

  • 摘要: 胡乾善(1911—2004),振动专家和工程力学教育家,1934—1937年留学英国期间师从布莱克特研究宇宙射线,曾参与宇宙射线的国际合作研究,并与苏联物理学家去高加索山4km处进行宇宙射线测量.他是最早参与宇宙射线研究的中国物理学家之一,回国后由于无研究设备,后致力于机械振动研究.该文是在胡乾善的博士论文及已发表的论文的基础上,回顾并分析了上世纪30年代胡乾善在宇宙射线方面的研究工作,目的是使读者了解当时物理学界在此方面的研究进展.2011年是胡乾善百年诞辰,2012年是宇宙射线发现100周年,谨以此文纪念.


    Abstract: Hu Chien-Shan (1911—2004) was an educator and expert in vibration and engineering mechanics who studied cosmic ray showers under P. M. S. Blackett in London from 1934 to 1937. He participated in international experiments on cosmic rays,and collaborated with Soviet physicists in observing cosmic ray showers at 4000m above sea-level on Mt. Kazbek in the Caucasus. He was one of the pioneer Chinese physicists to study cosmic rays,but later devoted himself to the study of mechanical vibration due to the lack of equipment. To commemorate the centennial anniversary of Hu Chien-Shan’s birth in 1911 and that of the discovery of cosmic rays in 1912,this paper reviews the research on cosmic rays that Hu performed in the 1930s,based on his doctoral thesis and two articles in the Proc. of the Royal Soc. of London. We hope to provide the reader with some details of the research of physicists in this field during that historical period.


