

Weather forecast——from empirical to physicomathematical theory and super-computing system engineering

  • 摘要: 天气预报已由经验发展成物理数学理论和超级计算的复杂而严格的巨型系统工程。文章从物理学观点回顾了它的发展历程,探讨了它今后的发展,并将它拓宽到了更加巨大和复杂的气候与生态环境系统的预测和调控问题的建模,以及人工影响天气的工程理论问题。这些是跨学科的问题,需要地球科学、数学、物理学界以及化学界和生物学界共同合作研究。


    Abstract: Weather forecasting has developed from empirical practice to physico-mathematical theory and super-computing system engineering. The history of its development in the last decades is reviewed from a physical point of view, with a brief discussion of various problems in its further development, as well as its extension to the design of an“Earth system model”for the prediction and regulation of“climate and ecosystem-environment systems”and the engineering of artificial weather modification. Multi-disciplinary collaboration between the earth sciences, physical sciences, mathematical sciences, and other disciplines are needed.


