

The writing of Principles of Optics by Born and Wolf

  • 摘要: 《光学原理》(Principles of Optics)一书是玻恩与沃尔夫合著的、倍受好评的光学经典名著。回顾、梳理与品味这一名著的撰写过程,会得到诸多感悟。教书育人、著书立说的物理教育家以及物理学家,都可以从中得到一把尺子,用以衡量自己的工作。这有利于中国物理学的发展。


    Abstract: Principles of Optics was written by Max Born and EmilWolf. It is a classical masterpiece on optics which has won extensive praise. Educators in physics and physicists, who supervise students and write articles and books could obtain food for thought and inspiration by knowing and appreciating how this great book came to be written, and also find a ruler whereby to measure one’s own work. This would be beneficial to the development of physics in China.


