

Terahertz semiconductor devices and their applications——In memory of Hui-Chun Liu

  • 摘要: 文章是以作者和刘惠春教授多年合作的研究工作为基础写成的,主要内容为太赫兹(THz)半导体器件及其通信和成像应用,以此深切缅怀刘惠春教授。近十年来,THz科学与技术已取得了长足进步,它在物理学、材料科学、生命科学、天文学、信息技术和国防安全等多个领域的应用也已初现端倪。在这些应用中,半导体THz器件的发展起着举足轻重的作用。文章着重介绍了作者近年来在半导体THz器件与应用方面的研究进展,主要内容包括基于负有效质量的电子学THz振荡器、飞秒激光泵浦半导体THz辐射源、基于量子阱子带间跃迁的THz量子级联激光器和THz量子阱探测器,以及基于这些器件的THz无线通信和成像应用研究。此外,文章还对未来THz技术的发展进行了简要的探讨。


    Abstract: The authors dedicate this paper to the memory of Hui-Chun Liu—the renowned physicist and world leader in the area of intersubband transitions in quantum wells and dots. We review the research on terahertz (THz) semiconductors and their applications which was carried out by the authors in collaboration with H. C. Liu. The past decade has seen a revolution in THz science and technology, and the potential of THz radiation for applications in a vast range of disciplines has been demonstrated. We report the latest progress in the development and application of THz semiconductor devices, including oscillators based on negative effective mass, sources based on semiconductors pumped by femtosecond lasers, quantum cascade lasers, quantum well photodetectors, and communication and imaging applications, all in the THz regime.


