

The characteristics of ocean reverberation

  • 摘要: 海洋混响是海洋环境产生的回声。对于目标探测来说,混响是一种严重的干扰;对于大规模海洋生物探测及海洋环境遥感来说,海洋混响是其应用的基础。经过近一个世纪的理论和实验研究,深海混响的产生机理相对明确,基本的特性也较为清楚。浅海环境较深海环境复杂,目前浅海混响研究大多关注混响的平均特性,对其完整特性的研究将成为未来浅海混响特性研究的重点。文章对海洋混响的研究工作进行了综述,介绍了海洋混响的基本理论和应用。


    Abstract: Ocean reverberation is the sum of the echoes caused by the ocean environment.For target detection, it is serious interference, but for the detection of biological organisms and remote sensing in the ocean, it is a fundamental tool. After almost a century of theoretical and experimental research, the mechanism and characteristics of deep ocean reverberation has become relatively clear. However, shallow water reverberation is not so clear because of the complexity of shallow ocean environments, and most work has focused on its mean and statistical characteristics;its full nature will be a central topic for research in the near future. In this paper we shall review the basic theory and applications of shallow water reverberation.


