

The innovation and tradition of science:centennial of academician Ho Zah-Wei

  • 摘要: 本文从几个不同方面回顾了何泽慧先生的学术成长经历。她继承了蔡元培等老一辈学者科学救国的理念,接受了前沿的科学教育和训练,在国际交流与合作中做出创新工作,并参与创建我国核科学事业,汇聚和培养了大批人才。科学的创新离不开优良的传统,我们纪念何泽慧先生百年诞辰,既缅怀她的创新成就和对科学事业的贡献,也要发扬她的科学精神和传统。


    Abstract: This article reviews Mrs. Ho Zah-Wei's academic experiences in several different aspects. She inherited the idea of "Saving the Nation by Science" from older scholars such as Cai Yuanpei. Receiving advanced scientific education and discipline, she made the important innovation through international communication and collaboration. After returned to China, She took part in the foundation of the Chinese nuclear science, assembled and trained many prominent scientists.To commemorate her centennial, we should not only cherish her scientific innovation and undertaking, but also develop her scientific spirit and tradition.


