

Electric vehicles and Li-ion batteries

  • 摘要: 文章简要介绍了混合动力汽车、插电式混合动力汽车、纯电动汽车和锂离子动力电池及其关键材料。发展电动汽车可以大幅度降低人们对石油的依赖和改善城市空气质量。锂离子电池性能优越,为电动汽车的发展提供了支撑。近期,新一代锂离子动力电池正极材料即将走向应用,可使电动汽车里程增加一倍,材料选择和电池设计及制造工艺与电池储存能量、寿命、安全等密切相关, 尊道而重德,可做出“好”电池。


    Abstract: This paper gives a general introduction on xEVs(HEV,PHEV and EV) and Li-ion batteries. Developing of xEVs will remarkably reduce the consumption of oils and improve the air quality in cities. Advanced Li-ion batteries supports the industrialization of xEVS. Cathode materials with high energy density, long cycling life and low cost is developing and the range per charge for EVs is expected to be doubled in few years. The energy, service life and safety of a battery are very much dependent on its materials choice and cell design. "Good" battery can be obtained with good understanding and good intention.


