

Atom ionization driven by ultrafast intense laser fields

  • 摘要: 强场电离是超快强激光与物质相互作用时发生的基本物理过程。强场驱动原子分子的电离电子动力学过程发生在一个光学振荡周期以内,是在阿秒时间尺度上研究电子超快动力学的典范。不仅如此,强场驱动下的超短电子束还为探测原子分子的结构及其超快动力学提供了重要的技术手段。文章首先简要阐述了超快强光场中原子分子电离的基本物理图像,在此基础上,介绍了近年来基于强场电离电子开展的超快过程研究的几个例子,最后简要讨论了强场电离研究的未来可能发展方向。


    Abstract: Ionization is a fundamental process during the interaction of matter with an ultrafast intense laser field. The ionization dynamics of atoms and molecules driven by an intense field proceed on a sub-laser-cycle time scale and represent a prototype in exploring attosecond electron dynamics. Moreover, the ultrashort electron bunches produced by the intense laser field can be exploited for measurements of atomic and molecular structure and their ultrafast dynamics. In this review we first briefly introduce the fundamental physics behind intense field ionization; next we discuss a few examples of ultrafast measurements based on the intense field ionized electrons; finally we discuss the prospects of research on intense field ionization.


