

Water-solid interaction at the atomic scale

  • 摘要: 水是生命活动和工业生产的重要组成部分,而水与物质表面的相互作用是其发挥功能的重要途径。人们通过大量研究发现,在原子尺度上,水与物质的相互作用会导致很多反常的物理现象,从而影响到水体系的宏观性质。文章简述了近年来作者所在的研究组对水与物质在原子尺度上的相互作用的部分研究进展,主要包括分子扩散导致的表面超亲水—超疏水转变、晶格常数改变诱导的反常浸润机制,石墨炔纳米孔中水的量子化传输,以及等离激元诱导的水分解等。


    Abstract: Water is of particular importance for both life and industry. One of its functions,water-material interaction, plays a central role in many aspects. Based on tremendous research activities, it has been found that the atomic-scale interactions between water and materials affect their macroscopic behaviors, and as a result many anomalous properties are also observed. In this article we will describe some recent progress made in our group on water-solid interactions at the atomic scale, including superhydrophilic-superhydrophobic transitions induced by molecular self-supply, anomalous wetting induced by lattice mismatch, quantized water transport through graphyne membranes, and the mechanism of plasmon-induced water splitting.


