

Hot electrons in metallic micro/nano-structures

  • 摘要: 随着光学器件的尺寸减小到纳米量级,金属微纳结构中的热电子越来越引人注目。热电子是指晶格中处于激发态的电子,在涉及光能转化的许多基础研究和应用中发挥着重要的作用。掌握金属微纳结构中热电子的特性有利于相关微纳光学器件的设计。为此,文章从热电子产生和弛豫的具体物理过程出发,对金属微纳结构中的光致直接激发热电子和表面等离激元热电子进行了详尽的讨论。掌握热电子的相关理论只是实现基于热电子的微纳光学器件的第一步,热电子的研究还有很大的发展空间。


    Abstract: As the size of optical devices shrinks to micro/nano-scale, hot electrons in metallic micro/nano-structures come to the front; here hot electrons refer to the excited electrons in a metal lattice. They play an important role in researches and applications involving the harvesting and conversion of light energy. Knowing the characteristics of hot electrons in metallic micro/nano-structures is of great importance for the design of corresponding optical devices. To comprehend the properties of photon-excited and plasmon-induced hot electrons in metallic micro/nano-structures, we discuss the detailed excitation and relaxation processes of these electrons. Understanding such mechanisms is the first step to the development and applications of micro/nano-scale optical devices based on hot electrons.


