Post neutrino-oscillation-discovery experiments:status and prospects
摘要: 2015年诺贝尔物理学奖授予了发现中微子振荡也就是中微子有质量的实验。这个发现是至今为止,粒子物理标准模型——这一得到广泛实验验证的理论中唯一指明存在新物理的明显证据。文章将介绍中微子振荡发现以后主要的中微子实验物理目标、采用的探测技术、实验状况及其未来展望。Abstract: The Nobel Prize for Physics in 2015 was awarded for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which vindicate the existence of massive neutrinos. This is the only clear evidence that points to new physics beyond the Standard Model, a theory which has been extensively tested in experiments. This article will review the physical objectives, detection techniques, current status,and prospects of neutrino experiments after the discovery of neutrino oscillations.