

Two-dimensional photonic/phononic topological states

  • 摘要: 文章主要介绍光/声学拓扑态的基本概念和研究背景,评述了这一领域中二维体系研究的进展。首先简要回顾了霍尔效应及其与贝利曲率和对称性的关系,接着综合分析了不同对称性条件下的光和声拓扑态,包括光/声量子霍尔效应、Floquet拓扑绝缘体、量子自旋霍尔效应的相关工作,最后讨论了该领域可能的发展方向和前景。


    Abstract: Photonic/phononic topological phases with symmetry-protected surfaces or edge modes in the bulk gap, analogous to the topological states in electronic systems, have drawn great attention due to their basic physics and potential applications in new types of optical/acoustic devices. In this review we shall mainly focus on the photonic/phononic topologically nontrivial states (such as photonic/phononic quantum Hall effects, photonic/phononic topological insulators,and Floquet topological insulators) in two-dimensional systems, including photonic, plasmonic,and phononic crystals. Finally, we give a summary and outlook on the development and prospects of these kinds of symmetry-protected topological states of bosons.


