

Quantum and classical cryptography

  • 摘要: 密码技术的发展经历了古典密码、现代密码和量子密钥分发三个阶段。首颗量子卫星“墨子号”的成功发射,使量子密钥分发技术迈向新里程。文章介绍了密码发展的各个进程,并详细介绍了目前广泛应用的RSA公钥密码系统,以及量子密钥分发使用的BB84协议,E91协议等。文末简要介绍了量子保密通信进展,并对“墨子号”量子科学实验卫星实验任务及重要意义做出解读。


    Abstract: Cryptography has gone through the stages of classical cryptography, modern cryptography, and quantum key distribution. The successful launching of the first quantum satellite "Mozi" is now leading quantum key distribution onto a new journey. We present a review of the development of cryptography, with a detailed discussion of RSA public key cryptography. We also explain the Bennett―Brassard and Ekert protocols which are used in quantum key distribution. Then we describe the development of quantum communication, as well as the experimental tasks and significance of the Mozi satellite.


