

Electron-positron pair production in ultrastrong fields

  • 摘要: 随着现代强激光技术的迅速发展,激光场强已经进入到了强相对论区域,并正在向产生正负电子对的施温格临界场强逼近。文章着重介绍了超强场下真空失稳产生正负电子对的问题,从历史及其发展的脉络中梳理出有重要价值的研究方法和有趣的研究成果,对目前的研究现状做了综述,并对未来的研究进行展望。


    Abstract: With the rapid development of modern technology, the intensity of ultrastrong lasers has entered the strong relativistic regime and is approaching the Schwinger critical field value for creating electron-positron pairs. This article focuses on the electron-positron pair production from unstable vacuum in ultrastrong fields, and recounts a number of important methods and interesting results from past and present studies. The status of current research and future prospects are reviewed.


