

Two breakthroughs in the development of high power solid-state laser technology in China

  • 摘要: 高功率固体激光是激光聚变、高能量密度物理与前沿基础科学研究必需的实验手段。上世纪六七十年代,老一辈科学家王淦昌、王大珩、邓锡铭、于敏等人以敏锐的科学洞察力与超前的战略眼光,开创了中国激光聚变研究的宏伟工程,为中国高功率固体激光技术的长远发展注入了强劲的东风。中国工程物理研究院(简称中物院)作为激光聚变研究的总体单位,联合中国科学院等国内优势单位,在国家强有力的支持下,推动与组织了中国高功率固体激光技术与装置研制的快速发展。中物院激光聚变研究中心作为高功率固体激光技术研发的总体单位之一,敢于担当、勇于创新,团结协作,坚持三十余载,实现了中国高功率固体激光技术研发历程中的两次“突破”,即突破新一代高功率钕玻璃激光技术,相继研制成功了亚洲规模最大、技术先进的神光-Ⅲ原型装置和神光-Ⅲ激光装置;突破百太瓦超短超强激光关键技术,建成了国内首台输出能力高达200 TW的SILEX-Ⅰ超短超强脉冲激光装置。两次“突破”,不但有力地支撑了中国激光聚变与相关基础科学研究的高速发展,同时实现了中国高功率固体激光技术发展由“望尘莫及”到“望其项背”的跨越,奠定了由“望其项背”到与美、法先进国家“三足鼎立”的坚实基础。


    Abstract: High power solid-state lasers are vital for laser fusion, high energy density physics and frontier basic science research. In the 1960s and 1970s, the older generation of scientists Wang Ganchang, Wang Daheng, Deng Ximing, Yu Min and others, with keen insight and strategic vision, conceived a grand program for China's laser fusion research, which gave a tremendous boost to the country's long-term development of high power solid-state laser technology. With strong national support, the Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP), as the flagship for laser fusion research, united with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other leading institutions to promote and organize several major high power laser facilities in China. The Laser Fusion Research Center (LFRC) of CAEP, through courage, innovation, cooperation, and more than 30 years of persistence, has achieved two breakthroughs in high power solid-state laser technology for China. The first concerns the new generation of high power Nd:glass lasers, implemented in the successful development of the SG-III prototype and host laser facility, which is the largest in Asia. The other breakthrough is the realization of ultra-short ultra-intense pulsed laser light in the SILEX-I laser facility, the first domestic system capable of producing powers up to 200 TW.These two breakthroughs have bolstered the further development of China's laser fusion research, as well as bringing China's high power solid-state technology from a state of“catching up”to “closing in”compared with developed countries such as the USA or France.


