

Magnetoresistive-superconducting mixed magnetic sensors:principle and development

  • 摘要: 弱磁探测在科研、工业生产以及日常生活中已起到越来越重要的作用。近年来,利用超导技术与磁电阻传感器相结合,人们研制成功一种新型的磁电阻材料/超导复合式磁传感器,其探测精度有望达到fT量级,并在弱磁探测领域具有大规模应用的潜力。文章介绍了该类磁传感器的结构及工作原理,并根据磁电阻材料的不同,分别对巨磁电阻(GMR)和由作者所在实验室制备的隧道磁电阻(TMR)/超导复合式磁传感器的发展及应用进行了说明。


    Abstract: Weak magnetic field detection has played an increasingly important role in the field of scientific research, industrial manufacture, and people's daily lives. In recent years, a new kind of magnetic sensor has been proposed, composed of a superconducting flux-to-field transformer and a high-sensitivity magnetoresistive sensor. This kind of sensor is expected to be widely used because of its excellent sensitivity (femtotesla), stability, band characteristics, and low cost. In this paper, its structure and principle of operation will first be reviewed. We then describe and compare the development and applications of giant magnetoresistance sensors and the tunnel magnetoresistance/superconductor based mixed sensors fabricated in our lab.


