

The Circular Electron Positron Collider:its physics,technology,and status

  • 摘要: 环形正负电子对撞机(CEPC)是中国高能物理学界提议建造的、下一代大型正负电子对撞机。CEPC不仅可作为Higgs粒子工厂而运行,也可产生海量的Z玻色子以及W玻色子,进而从Higgs物理、电弱精密测量、味物理和QCD等各个方面对粒子物理标准模型进行全面、细致的验证,并以此来揭示标准模型背后的物理规律。自倡议以来,我国高能物理学界对CEPC项目的物理潜力及其各项关键技术进行了积极的研究,并于2018年11月正式发布了CEPC的概念设计报告。这意味着CEPC项目的初步设计蓝图已经完成。文章在CEPC《概念设计报告》的基础上简介了其物理潜力及相关技术的研究进展。


    Abstract: The circular electron positron collider (CEPC) is a future large collider facility proposed by the high energy physics community in China. It will serve as a Higgs boson factory, and produce large quantities of Z and W bosons, so it will be able to perform precise measurements of the Higgs boson properties, weak electromagnetic force physics, flavor physics, and quantum chromodynamics. Through these high-precision tests, the CEPC could explore new fundamental principles underlying the Standard Model particle physics. Dedicated studies on the potential of CEPC and the critical technologies involved have already been performed. In November 2018, the Conceptual Design Report, a preliminary blueprint of CEPC was published; its successful completion means that the project has now entered the phase of engineering design.The physics potential and progress of the R&D of CEPC will be reviewed in this paper.


