

The first direct visual evidence of a black hole

  • 摘要: 2019年4月10日,由黑洞事件视界望远镜(Event Horizon Telescope,EHT)合作组织协调召开新闻发布会,全球多地同时发布了黑洞的首个直接“视觉”证据。作为人类捕获的首张黑洞照片,它展示了5500万光年外的椭圆星系M87中心超大质量黑洞的图像,看到了黑洞“阴影”和周围环绕的新月状光环。EHT的此次观测结果从强引力场的角度验证了爱因斯坦广义相对论,有助于研究黑洞的吸积以及喷流的产生。文章着重介绍为什么给黑洞“拍照”,选择哪些黑洞模特“拍照”,如何给黑洞“拍照”,获得的数据经过怎样的后期处理和分析才能生成大家看到的“照片”;此外还将介绍在此次合作项目里的中国贡献,最后对黑洞高分辨率成像领域进行展望。


    Abstract: On April 10, 2019, in coordinated press conferences across the globe, the Event Horizon Telescope (ETH) collaboration unveiled the image of a supermassive black hole at the heart of Messier 87 (M87), an elliptical galaxy 5.5 million light years away from us. This first direct visual evidence shows us a spherical black hole "shadow" and a crescent ring-line structure around the shadow, consistent with the prediction of Einstein's theory of general relativity. The EHT observations verify general relativity from the point of view of the strong gravitational field, and also help us to study the black hole's accretion and jets. This article will focus on why, which, and how black holes should be imaged, as well as describe the data reduction and data analysis. We further review the contributions of the Chinese astronomers in this collaborative project, and the prospects for future high-resolution imaging of black holes.


