

Binary neutron star mergers: gravitational wave emission and electromagnetic counterparts

  • 摘要: 2017年,轰动世界的引力波事件GW170817被确认来自于双中子星的并合。这是人类历史上首次探测到这种极端、剧烈的天体物理事件。双中子星是两个致密天体——中子星组成的系统,由双恒星系统经历漫长演化后形成。文章将从双中子星并合前、并合过程中与并合后全面地描述这种剧烈的天文现象,走进一段神奇而迤逦的旅程。未来随着引力波观测设备的升级,有望再次看到来自宇宙深处的引力波以及伴随的丰富多彩的电磁信号。


    Abstract: In 2017 the sensational gravitational wave event GW170817 was confirmed to originate from a binary neutron star merger. This was the first time in human history that such a violent catastrophic phenomenon was detected. A binary neutron star system consists of two co-rotating neutron stars, which may form after a very long time during the evolution of normal binary stars. We present a comprehensive introduction to this merger event, including a few aspects before and after the merger. In the near future, after an upgrade of current observational instruments, we may expect to detect further similar gravitational wave events and their various electromagnetic counterparts.


