

Population synthesis of double neutron stars

  • 摘要: 双中子星是天体物理中重要的研究对象,对于许多研究领域都有重要作用。2017年LIGO/Virgo发现第一个双中子星并合事件GW170817,开启了用引力波探测发现双中子星的序幕。文章主要介绍了双中子星的双星演化通道,以及双中子星星族合成的一些性质。此外,还介绍了双星演化中的一些不确定性以及形成GW170817双中子星的双星演化通道。


    Abstract: Double neutron stars are important objects in astrophysics and very important for many scientific studies. In 2017, LIGO/Virgo first discovered gravitational waves from the double neutron star merger GW170817, indicating a new method of discovering these stars. In this paper we shall describe the isolated binary formation scenario of double neutron stars and the properties of their populations. In addition, we discuss the binary formation channel for the GW170817 merger and some uncertainties in binary evolution, which are important for the formation of binary neutron stars.


