

Exotic shapes of atomic nuclei

  • 摘要: 随着世界范围内新一代稀有同位素大科学装置的建造与升级,一个光怪陆离的原子核心世界被逐渐打开。这不仅深化了人们对物质结构的认识,而且促进了强关联量子多体理论的发展。有趣的是,对于费米尺度的量子多体系统,一个看似“宏观”的概念——形状,可以帮助人们很好地理解体系的结构与性质。文章从强相互作用量子多体系统的对称性及其破缺机制出发,介绍了原子核可呈现的各种奇特形状,讨论了相关的物理图像和最新研究进展。


    Abstract: The development of worldwide rare isotope facilities is opening a fantastic scene for the nuclei of atoms. This not only deepens our understanding of the structure of matter, but also promotes the development of the theories for quantum many-body systems with strong correlations. It is interesting that a seemingly “macro” concept, shape, is very helpful for us to understand the structure and properties of fermi-scale quantum many-body systems. This paper introduces the symmetry and breaking mechanism of a quantum many-body system with strong interactions, illustrates various nuclear exotic shapes, and discusses the relevant physical pictures and the latest research progress.


