

Photonic integrated circuits on lithium niobate: today′s fundamental research for tomorrow′s industry

  • 摘要: 大数据、人工智能、光量子信息等变革性领域对信息处理能力提出了前所未有的要求,而集成光路技术有望实现更快速、更有效、成本更低廉的信息处理器件,由此带来新的自主产业机会。铌酸锂集成光路技术在近年获得迅猛发展,展示了优越的器件性能,已经吸引了产业界的关注。文章将介绍该领域的研究背景以及若干近期的重要突破。


    Abstract: The emerging applications enabled by disruptive technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, and quantum information require unprecedented information processing capacities. Photonic integrated circuit (PIC) technology provides promising potential for realizing information processing devices and/or systems with higher speed, higher efficiency, and lower cost. In particular, the rapid development of PIC platforms based on lithium niobate on insulator (LNOI), a photonic material compatible with lithographic fabrication techniques, has significantly promoted device performance. Here we will introduce the latest breakthroughs in this area. Based on the technological advances, an industry chain built upon LNOI is beginning to take shape.


