

Nanoscale magnetic imaging based on quantum sensing with diamond and its applications to condensed matter physics

  • 摘要: 作为凝聚态物理的重要方向,磁性的研究不仅是发展自旋电子学器件的基础,也是突破已有材料和器件功能壁垒的关键之一。磁性材料的纳米分辨率成像对认识和理解物质微观性质至关重要。金刚石中的氮—空位(NV)色心是一种对磁信号敏感的原子缺陷,经过十余年的深入研究,其已经发展为兼具高灵敏度和高空间分辨率的磁量子传感器,能够以纳米分辨率对单层磁性材料进行成像。它作为一种广谱(DC-GHz)、高灵敏度(nT/Hz1/2)、高空间分辨率(~10 nm,理论极限~1 nm)的磁成像技术,可以对包括二维磁性材料、电流分布、电导率分布乃至单个电子自旋,少数个核自旋进行纳米磁成像。文章从NV色心微观结构和性质出发,介绍其作为量子传感进行磁信号探测和成像的原理;进一步从技术层面介绍谱仪的构成和探针制备;最后选取有代表性的工作,简要介绍 NV扫描显微镜在各方面的应用。


    Abstract: The nano-scale imaging of magnetism is important for studying the microscopic local properties of matter. Nitrogen-vacancy (NV) scanning microscopy is such a technique based on NV center quantum sensing in diamond. As a magnetic imaging technique with a broad spectrum (DC to GHz), high sensitivity (nT/Hz1/2) and high spatial resolution (~10 nm,theoretical limit ~nm), it is able to image ferromagnetic material, electric current distribution, electric conductivity, and even the spin of a single electron and a few nuclear spins on the nano-scale. This review introduces the principle of NV quantum sensing and magnetic imaging based on its microstructure and properties. The structure of a NV scanning microscope, fabrication of NV probes, and methods to determine their main parameters are then described. Finally, we select some representative published works on the application of NV scanning microscopy in different fields.


