

Milestones in the search for the supermassive black hole in our Galactic center

  • 摘要: 经过逾半个世纪的探索,天文学家确认在我们银河系的中心存在一个4百万倍太阳质量的致密天体,很可能是爱因斯坦广义相对论所预言的黑洞。文章简要回顾了探索这个大质量致密天体过程中的若干里程碑。


    Abstract: Einstein′s theory of general relativity predicts the existence of black holes in the universe. It is now established that a compact object of four million solar masses resides at the very center of our Milky Way galaxy, which is considered as the most convincing case of an astrophysical black hole. This article aims to highlight some of the milestones toward the discovery of this massive compact object.


