

Quantum simulation based on ultracold atoms in a lattice

  • 摘要: 文章从超冷原子研究的视角出发,回顾了用“从下到上”的方案来开展量子模拟研究的历史。超冷原子作为宏观量子态,各个自由度精确可控,是量子模拟的绝佳平台。光晶格将冷原子物理和凝聚态物理融合起来,是其中最重要的技术之一,为超冷原子量子模拟提供了一个扎实的落脚点。近年来,关于拓扑量子模拟的研究日益兴起,成为超冷原子量子模拟新的重要方向。文章介绍这方面近期的一些工作进展。最后分享作者对超冷原子量子模拟的一些思考。


    Abstract: We review the history of quantum simulation from the“bottom- up”approach with ultracold atoms. Considered as a macroscopic quantum state, ultracold atoms have the advantage of all the degrees of freedom being precisely controlled. They are a perfect platform for quantum simulation. An optical lattice is one of the most important techniques in this field because it connects ultracold atom physics with condensed matter physics, and provides a perfect example to show the scientific value of quantum simulation with ultracold atoms. Recently, quantum simulation for topological physics has become a hot topic attracting more and more attention from the ultracold atoms community. We will present a brief review, then share some thoughts about quantum simulation with ultracold atoms.


