

The past and present of neutron star research

  • 摘要: 中子星概念的形成既是人们对物质基本结构认识的一个自然推论,同时也是理解恒星演化的一个必然环节。自1967年通过发现射电脉冲星证实了中子星的存在以来,基于半个多世纪的多波段、多信使观测,人们已经发现了数以千记的多种类型中子星,了解了单个中子星的电磁辐射机制、中子星双星系统的相互作用以及双中子星系统的引力波辐射等等,并在多个方面为中子星的内部物质组分及其状态这一核心科学问题做出了观测限制。


    Abstract: The concept of neutron stars (NSs) comes as a natural inference from our understanding of the fundamental structure of matter, and is an indispensable part of stellar evolution theory. Since the discovery of pulsars in 1967 that confirmed the existence of NSs, people have observed thousands of NSs of various types, and from multi-wavelength and multi-messenger observations have probed their electromagnetic radiation mechanism, the interaction between NSs and their binary companions, the gravitational wave radiation from double NSs, and so forth. The mysterious internal constituents of NSs and their equation of state, the most fundamental problems in NS research, have also been constrained observationally through several different methods.


