

A powerful tool for quantum information——superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors

  • 摘要: 利用超导宏观量子效应与环境电磁场的相互作用,超导探测器可以实现量子极限灵敏度探测。超导纳米线单光子探测器(SNSPD)具备高探测效率、低暗计数等优异的性能,已经在量子信息、深空通信、激光雷达等领域得到了广泛的应用,并为中国“九章”光量子计算原型机、量子密钥分发等领域达到国际领先水平提供了核心探测技术支持。文章简述了SNSPD的基本原理,对其性能、制冷技术、应用以及常见的问题等进行了介绍,并对未来发展做了展望。


    Abstract: Based on the interaction between superconducting macroscopic quantum effects and environmental electromagnetic field, superconducting detectors can provide ultrasensitive detection with quantum-limit sensitivity. Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs), with their outstanding features such as high detection efficiency and low dark count rate, have been widely applied in various fields including quantum information, deep space communication, and lidar. As the key detectors in the prototype optical quantum computer “Jiuzhang” and quantum key distribution systems, they also played a major role in bringing China to the forefront of quantum information research. In this paper, I introduce the basic mechanism of the SNSPD and discuss its key metrics, related cryogenics, applications, and frequently asked questions. A preview of future developments is also given.


