

Attosecond-precision timing control and applications

  • 摘要: 精密的定时控制在探索前沿科学过程中不可或缺,它是先进科学探测装置在极限条件下高性能工作的重要保障。阿秒精度的定时控制技术,为科学探测装置实现更精细、更快速、更高能量、更高分辨率的观测提供了有力的技术支撑。文章介绍阿秒抖动的光学主时钟发生器,阿秒精度的定时信号向光学、无线电信号源的分发技术,以及长链路的高精度时间误差补偿技术的科学原理,并介绍了这些前沿技术在X射线自由电子激光器、超强超短激光装置、大规模射电望远镜阵列中的应用。


    Abstract: Ultra-high precise timing control is indispensable for exploring new frontiers in science, as it guarantees high- performance operation of advanced scientific detection facilities under extreme conditions. In particular, attosecond precision timing control provides powerful technical support for achieving faster, more precise, higher energy, and higher resolution observations. This article introduces the principle of optical master oscillator with precise timing distribution and jitter on the order of attoseconds, as well as high precision fiber link stabilization. The application of these techniques in X-ray free electron laser facilities, ultra-intense laser systems and large-scale millimeter wave antenna arrays are summarized.


