

From radiative-convective equilibrium to global climate models——an introduction to the work of the 2021 Nobel laureate in Physics, Syukuro Manabe

  • 摘要: 2021年诺贝尔物理学奖授予了两位气候学家和一位理论物理学家,以表彰他们在“理解复杂物理系统领域所做出的开创性贡献”。文章主要介绍其中一位气候学家真锅淑郎(Syukuro Manabe)的工作。作为一个复杂物理系统,全球气候系统具有高度的复杂性,作为对这个复杂系统的高度近似,真锅淑郎的辐射对流平衡模型计算首次明确无误地量化了二氧化碳翻倍导致的升温幅度(2.36 ℃)。另外,他也被公认为世界气候模式之父,气候模式已经成为研究全球气候变化机理和预估未来全球气候变化不可或缺的工具。文章主要介绍辐射对流平衡模型的思想以及最近的发展和存在的问题。在全球气候模式方面,简要介绍模式的组成,侧重强调模式的物理基础以及存在的问题,讨论未来的发展趋势和方向。


    Abstract: The 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to two climate scientists and one theoretical physicist for their groundbreaking work on our understanding of complex physical systems. Here the major work of one of them, Syukuro Manabe, is introduced. As a complex system, the global climate system exhibits high complexity. Manabe’s radiative-convective equilibrium model, as an approximation to this system, for the first time reliably quantifies the warming magnitude (2.36 ℃ ) induced by the doubling of CO2. He is also named the father of global climate models, which have become an indispensable tool for our mechanistic understanding of global climate change and for the projection of future climate change. The basic idea of the radiative-convective equilibrium model as well as its recent development and remaining issues are introduced. The components of the global climate model are also briefly described with an emphasis on the physical basis and remaining challenges. Future directions and trends of climate model studies and development are discussed.


