

Seek "order" out of disorder——exploration of the structure of amorphous matter

  • 摘要: 理解物质的结构是人类认识世间万物的基础。非晶态物质是真实世界重要的组成部分,但要深刻认识非晶态物质的结构,依然任重而道远。以“国际玻璃年”为契机,文章介绍了以玻璃为代表的非晶态物质,其结构难题的起源、研究现状、进展与展望。


    Abstract: Structure is the basis of understanding everything in the world. Amorphous matter is an important part of the physical world, but we still have a long way to go to understand its structure. Taking the International Year of Glass as an opportunity, this paper introduces the origin, status, progress, and prospects of research on the structural problems of amorphous materials, as represented by glass.


