

A sketch of the Higgs boson

  • 摘要: 希格斯玻色子发现于2012年,是粒子物理学研究中的一件划时代的大事。它在粒子物理的“标准模型”中起关键性作用,通过神秘的对称性破缺机制给基本粒子带来质量,和高深莫测的量子真空息息相关,也被认为在宇宙演化的极早期起重要作用。在希格斯玻色子发现十周年之际,文章将从科普视角出发,描绘希格斯玻色子的理论背景、粒子特性、实验探测、研究现状和展望,揭开希格斯玻色子的神秘面纱,理解它的过去、现在和未来。


    Abstract: The Higgs boson was discovered in 2012, which marked a new era of particle physics. This particle plays a key role in the Standard Model of particle physics, as it is expected to bring masses to elemental particles via the symmetry breaking mechanism, have salient connections with the quantum vacuum, and be indispensable in the evolution of very early Universe. At the 10th anniversary of the discovery of the Higgs boson, this paper unveils the mystery of the Higgs boson from the perspectives of science outreach, discussing about theoretical background, characteristics of the particle, experimental detection, as well as current status and outlook of Higgs boson physics.


