

Nuclear fission——further exploration needed

  • 摘要: 核裂变的发现深刻地影响了人类社会。核裂变的研究还在不断深入,一方面核裂变有新的应用需求,另一方面核裂变是一个复杂的量子多体动力学过程。近年来,核裂变理论和实验研究有很大进展,人们对核裂变几率、裂变产物和裂变机制都获得了新的认识,这有助于澄清一些唯象模型的经验假设。此外,机器学习的应用为发掘利用不精确不完整的核数据提供了可能。期待未来更精确更自洽的核裂变理论可以更好地支撑应用创新。


    Abstract: The discovery of nuclear fission has profoundly impacted human society. There is still strong motivation for its study, not only because of its implications for new soughtafter applications, but also because fission is a unique and complicated many-body quantum dynamical phenomenon. There has been significant theoretical and experimental progress in recent years, which has brought fresh knowledge to our understanding of the nuclear fission process. It is expected that a more accurate and consistent theory of nuclear fission in the future will shed new light on new applications.


