

Electromagnetic superscattering and invisible gateways

  • 摘要: 基于变换光学的幻象光学器件能够表现出自然界中不存在的现象,如隐身、超散射和隐形门等。其中电磁超散射现象利用变换光学中的折叠几何变换,使得物体的散射截面远大于其几何截面,颠覆了人们对于传统散射中散射截面通常小于散射体几何截面的认知。这一现象也为现实中实现“穿墙术”提供了可能。文章着重介绍了基于变换光学的超散射的发展历程以及利用超散射实现隐形门的方法。隐形门在自由空间的实现为将来幻象器件的设计提供了新的思路。


    Abstract: Illusion optical devices based on transformation optics show phenomena that are rare in nature, for example, invisibility cloaking, superscattering, and invisible gateways. The folded-geometry transformation offers theoretical guidance to the design of the superscattering effect, which subverts people's traditional perception that the scattering cross-section is smaller than the geometrical cross-section of the object. In superscattering, the cross-section of an object can be much larger than its geometrical cross-section, which can be utilized to realize the dream of going through a wall. In this paper, after some historical introduction, the realization of invisible gateways based on superscattering is introduced in detail; the experimental demonstration of invisible gateways in free space may provide new ideas for the design of illusion devices for the future.


