

Discovery of supernova relic neutrinos——the next milestone of neutrino astronomy

  • 摘要: 超新星对于研究恒星演化以及元素、中子星、黑洞与引力波的产生至关重要。观测超新星的手段有很多种,而中微子因具有与物质相互作用极其微弱的特性,为观测提供了一个不同的视角,尤其是对超新星内部的物理机制研究。探测银河系内超新星爆发中微子,因其每世纪几次的低爆发率而变得非常困难。相比之下,距离银河系较远的周边星系超新星总爆发率每十年超过一次。正在建设的大型中微子实验已经开始能够探测宇宙大爆炸至今,包括银河系附近星系在内的所有星系中超新星爆发累积形成的各向同性中微子背景,称为超新星遗迹中微子。如果实验能发现这些中微子,将是中微子天文学的一个里程碑。文章将介绍目前和未来相关实验的主要探测原理、实验挑战和展望。


    Abstract: Understanding supernovae plays a crucial role in the study of the evolution of stars, the generation of elements, neutron stars, black holes, and gravitational waves. There are many measures to observe supernovae explosions, and the extremely weak interaction between neutrinos and matter provides a unique perspective, especially for the study of the physical mechanism inside supernovae. It is very difficult to detect neutrinos from the supernovae in the Milky Way because of their low burst rate of less than three per century. In contrast, the total supernova burst rate of neighboring galaxies far from the Milky Way exceeds one every decade. Experiments have begun that will be able to detect neutrinos from all galaxies including those near our Milky Way since the Big Bang of the universe; these constitute the isotropic background flux of neutrinos and are referred to as supernova relic neutrinos. If these are discovered, it would be a milestone in neutrino astronomy. This article will review the detection, challenges, and hopes of current and future relevant experiments.


