
从脉冲激光到阿秒光源, 从光电效应到阿秒物理——解读2023年度诺贝尔物理学奖

From ultrashort to attosecond light pulses, from the photoelectric effect to attosecond physics——Interpretation of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics

  • 摘要: 2023年诺贝尔物理学奖授予超快激光科学和阿秒物理领域的三位科学家,以表彰他们在阿秒光脉冲的产生和应用上做出的卓越贡献。阿秒光脉冲的产生,使得人们可以在亚原子尺度上研究电子的超快运动,打开通向“电子世界”的大门。目前,基于阿秒光脉冲发展的阿秒光子/电子谱学已经成为物理、化学、生物等众多领域重要的研究手段。文章将简要介绍阿秒光脉冲的研究背景、产生、测量方法及其在电子超快动力学研究中的应用。


    Abstract: The 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to three scientists in the fields of ultrafast laser science and attosecond physics for their outstanding contributions to the generation and application of attosecond light pulses. Their work has made it possible to study the ultrafast electron dynamics inside atoms, opening the door to the world of electrons. Attosecond spectroscopy is now an important research tool in many fields such as physics, chemistry, and biology. In this paper, we will briefly introduce the historical background of the attosecond light pulse, methods for its generation, and its applications in probing ultrafast electron dynamics.


