汪克林, 曹则贤. 再议量子理论的表述形式与诠释[J]. 物理, 2024, 53(7): 472-480. DOI: 10.7693/wl20240705
引用本文: 汪克林, 曹则贤. 再议量子理论的表述形式与诠释[J]. 物理, 2024, 53(7): 472-480. DOI: 10.7693/wl20240705
WANG Ke-Lin, CAO Ze-Xian. Resolving some confusion over the representation and interpretation of quantum mechanics[J]. PHYSICS, 2024, 53(7): 472-480. DOI: 10.7693/wl20240705
Citation: WANG Ke-Lin, CAO Ze-Xian. Resolving some confusion over the representation and interpretation of quantum mechanics[J]. PHYSICS, 2024, 53(7): 472-480. DOI: 10.7693/wl20240705


Resolving some confusion over the representation and interpretation of quantum mechanics

  • 摘要: 量子力学建立至今已达百年,关于量子力学仍存留许多困惑与争议。我们注意到可能的原因是状态矢量表示理念的不一致,以及混淆了不同的波函数概率诠释。我们认识到,坚持把状态矢量表示为无量纲的对象,认清波函数的薛定谔、玻恩和狄拉克各自诠释的不同以及薛定谔、玻恩的概率诠释可以经由狄拉克完备性关系联系起来,认识到概率行为出现在无量纲的态矢/波函数与决定性的状态方程之外,则可以消除不少关于量子力学的误解。


    Abstract: Quantum mechanics has been established for roughly one hundred years, yet there remain some confusion and debate. This embarrassing situation may lie in the nonuniformity of state vector representations, and in the confusing different probabilistic interpretations of the wave function. We realized that by insisting on representing the state vector, thus the wave function, as a dimensionless abstract object, bearing in mind the differences among the interpretations of Schrödinger, Born and Dirac over the wave function, in particular noticing the fact that the probabilistic interpretations of Schrödinger and Born are related by the Dirac’s completeness relation, and that the probabilistic behavior arises beyond the dimensionless state vector/wave function and the deterministic dynamic equation, then the confusion and debate over quantum mechanics can be largely resolved.


