郭彦君. 欧洲脉冲星计时阵[J]. 物理, 2024, 53(8): 518-524. DOI: 10.7693/wl20240803
引用本文: 郭彦君. 欧洲脉冲星计时阵[J]. 物理, 2024, 53(8): 518-524. DOI: 10.7693/wl20240803
GUO Yan-Jun. The European Pulsar Timing Array[J]. PHYSICS, 2024, 53(8): 518-524. DOI: 10.7693/wl20240803
Citation: GUO Yan-Jun. The European Pulsar Timing Array[J]. PHYSICS, 2024, 53(8): 518-524. DOI: 10.7693/wl20240803


The European Pulsar Timing Array

  • 摘要: 脉冲星计时阵是星系尺度的引力波探测器,通过对多个毫秒脉冲星进行长期计时观测来探测低频纳赫兹引力波,可能的引力波源有星系中心超大质量双黑洞的并合和早期宇宙的物理过程等。2023年,国际上多个脉冲星计时阵团队宣布发现了纳赫兹引力波存在的证据。在利用脉冲星计时阵探测低频引力波的研究中,欧洲具有长久的历史和重要的贡献。文章介绍欧洲脉冲星计时阵的发展历程、观测数据、早期科学研究和最新进展。


    Abstract: A pulsar timing array (PTA) is a galaxy-scale detector of gravitational waves (GWs) based on the regular timing of an ensemble of pulsars. Possible sources are low-frequency nano-Hz GWs from the merger of supermassive black hole binaries at galaxy centers or from the physical processes in the early Universe. In 2023, several PTA collaborations around the world reported evidence for nano-Hz GWs. Europe has a long history and plays a crucial role in the global efforts for detecting GWs with PTAs. This article describes the history, data, early scientific results, and recent progress of the European PTA.


