

Pathfinder for steady-state high-confinement physics in tokamaks——EAST

  • 摘要: 人类已经在实验室通过托卡马克装置实现了10 MW量级的可控氘氚核聚变反应,磁约束聚变研究进入到了实验堆时代。托卡马克高约束稳态运行成为开发商用聚变能的关键。中国全超导托卡马克装置(东方超环,EAST)瞄准国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)和未来聚变堆稳态运行的需求,在前沿稳态物理研究中获得重要进展,率先演示了托卡马克高约束稳态模式的长脉冲运行,为ITER运行和未来聚变堆设计提供了重要参考。


    Abstract: With the achievement of controlled deuterium-tritium nuclear fusion on the scale of 10 MW in a tokamak, magnetic-confinement fusion entered the era of experimental reactors. A high-confinement steady-state tokamak is the key step to realize commercial fusion energy. China’s Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) aims to solve the issues challenging ITER and future steady-state operation of fusion reactors, and has recently made significant progress in this area, demonstrating for the first time long pulse operation of a steady-state high-confinement regime of tokamak. This is an important step forward for ITER operation and future fusion reactor design.


