

Water wave metamaterials

  • 摘要: 水波是我们生活中常见的一种波,它蕴含着可被利用的绿色能源,也伴随着危险。如何控制水波的传播、减少水波的危害已经成为水波动力学的热门研究课题。但是传统的水波调控方法手段单一、效果有限,由于缺乏简单清晰的物理原理,所以调控设计相对困难和随机,寻找更加有效的水波调控方法显得尤为重要。在过去十多年间,变换光学迅速发展,基于变换光学设计的超构材料器件物理机制清晰,调控能力强大,因此近年来人们尝试将超构材料引入到水波的调控中。文章着重介绍基于变换光学设计的水波超构材料的发展历程以及利用超构材料调控水波的方法和相关器件,为今后水波调控器件的设计提供了新的思路。


    Abstract: Water waves are a common kind of wave in our life, which can provide green energy but may also be accompanied by risks. How to control their propagation and reduce their hazards has become an important topic in water wave dynamics. However, traditional methods are simple and not very effective, and since they are not based on clear physical principles, their design is relatively difficult and haphazard. Hence it is particularly important to find more effective methods for their control. In the past decade, transformation optics has developed rapidly and has been used to design metamaterials, which have clear physical mechanisms and can strongly influence an optical field, so recently, there have been several studies on their application to water wave manipulation. This paper will mainly focus on the history of the development of water wave metamaterials based on transformation optics. In particular, we will describe the basic methods and devices to control water waves with metamaterials, which could pave a new way for water wave manipulation and engineering.


