

The birth of quantum number“Charm”

  • 摘要: 1964年6月,布约肯和格拉肖合作完成了题为“基本粒子与SU(4)对称性”的论文,提出一种全新的量子数:“粲”量子数,对应一种全新的基本粒子——当时还属于假想粒子的“粲”夸克。但是随后的各种高能物理实验始终没有观测到“粲”强子,直到1974年11月,由粲夸克及其反粒子构成的束缚态——“粲夸克偶素”J/ψ粒子被丁肇中和里克特各自带领的实验组独立发现。这一在粒子物理学史上称作“十一月革命”的重要发现,成就了夸克物理学“2G”时代的辉煌,也深刻影响了中国高能物理实验和理论研究的发展进程。


    Abstract: In June 1964, James Bjorken and Sheldon Glashow proposed a brand-new quantum number“charm”in their paper entitled“Elementary particles and SU(4)”. This new quantum number implied a new elementary particle, the hypothetical charm quark that had not been observed in various high-energy physics experiments until November 1974, when the charmonium J/ψ—formed by charm quark and its antiparticle—was independently discovered by Sam Ting and Burton Richter. This great discovery, known as the“November Revolution”, is an important milestone in the history of particle physics. It not only meant that the glorious “2G”era of quark physics started, but also had a high impact on the development of experimental and theoretical particle physics in China.


