

A pair of heavy quarks,a new type of matter

  • 摘要: J/ψ粒子的发现不仅在理论上推动了标准模型的广泛接受,还为后续粲偶素及类粲偶素的研究打开了大门。北京谱仪Ⅲ实验在粲偶素与类粲偶素方面进行的研究包括但不局限于:寻找新的粒子,确定粒子的内部结构、质量与宽度、跃迁与衰变,寻找新的产生和衰变过程等,取得了一批重要的物理成果。文章将着重介绍北京谱仪Ⅲ实验关于粲偶素与类粲偶素的代表性工作,包括精确测量ηc(1S)粒子共振参数、发现D波自旋三重态ψ(13D2)、发现正负电子湮灭直接产生χc1(1P)、发现带电四夸克粒子、矢量类粲偶素粒子与中性X (3872)粒子的系列前沿研究等。这些实验结果丰富了人们对基本粒子世界的认识,有助于更深入地理解强相互作用与宇宙中的物质构成。


    Abstract: The discovery of the J/ψ particle not only promoted the widespread acceptance of the Standard Model in theory, but also opened the door for subsequent research on charmonium and charmonium-like states. The Beijing Spectrometer Ⅲ experiments on charmonium and charmonium-like particles include but are not limited to searching for new particles, determining the internal structure of particles, measuring their mass and width, studying their transitions and decays, and exploring new production and decay processes. A number of important physics results have been achieved. This article focuses on representative work at the Beijing Spectrometer Ⅲ on charmonium and charmonium-like particles, including the precise measurement of resonance parameters for the ηc(1S) particle, the discovery of the D-wave spin triplet ψ(13D2), the direct production of the χc1(1P) from electron-positron annihilation, the discovery of charged tetraquark particles, and a series of cutting-edge studies on vector charmonium-like particles and the neutral X(3872) particle. These experimental results enrich our understanding of the world of fundamental particles, helping us to delve deeper into the understanding of strong interaction and the composition of matter in the universe.


