

Discovery of a spin supersolid and its giant magnetocaloric effect for extreme cooling

  • 摘要: 获得1 K以下温度并提供稳定冷量的极限制冷既是前沿科学课题,也是支撑众多领域发展的关键核心技术。近期在钴基三角晶格量子磁性材料Na2BaCo(PO4)2中,首次发现了一种兼具固体和超流体特性的新奇量子物态——自旋超固态。该物态可产生显著的巨磁卡效应,通过绝热去磁过程成功获得94 mK的极低温,实现了无氦-3的极低温固态制冷突破,开辟了量子材料极低温制冷新途径。文章在简要介绍超固态的基础上,着重阐述在钴基三角晶格量子材料中发现的自旋超固态及其巨磁卡效应,以及极低温制冷。最后,结合最近在Kitaev量子自旋液体研究中提出的拓扑激发磁卡效应等进展,展望量子材料固态制冷的未来前景。


    Abstract: The extremely low-temperature refrigeration technology that can achieve a temperature below 1 K and provide stable cooling capacity is not only a frontier scientific topic but also a key expertise supporting the development of many fields. Recently, we have, for the first time, discovered a novel quantum state that combines the properties of both solids and superfluids, namely the spin supersolid, in the cobalt-based triangular lattice quantum magnetic material Na2BaCo(PO4)2. Further studies show that this quantum state can lead to a giant magnetocaloric effect. Through the adiabatic demagnetization process, a low temperature of 94 mK has been successfully achieved, marking a breakthrough in low-temperature solid-state refrigeration without helium-3, and opening up a new pathway for extreme cooling using quantum materials. After a brief introduction to the supersolidity, this paper will elaborate on discovery of the spin supersolid and its giant magnetocaloric effect in a cobalt-based triangular lattice quantum material, as well as the realization of extremely-low temperature refrigeration. In combination with the recent progress on the topological excitation magnetocaloric effect found in Kitaev quantum spin liquids, this paper also looks ahead to the future prospects of solid-state refrigeration using quantum materials.


