

Mechanisms and advances of passive optical limiters

  • 摘要: 被动光学限幅器是利用介质的非线性光学性质实现对光的强度进行控制的器件,它在科研、军事和民用方面都具有广泛的应用.文章讨论了被动光学限幅器的反饱和吸收、双光子吸收、自由载流子吸收、非线性折射、光致散射和光折变机制,每种机制在光限幅器应用中的有效性及局限性;介绍了国内外研究状况及自己的工作;指出了今后被动光学限幅器研究的发展方向.


    Abstract: Passive optical limiters are devices that control the intensity of light by utilizing the nonlinearity of materials. They have applications in various fields including scientific research, defence and civilian usage. The effectiveness and limitations of reverse saturable absorption, two-photon absorption, free-carrier absorption, nonlinear refraction, induced scattering and photorefraction for passive optical limiters are discussed. Recent advances and future directions for passive optical limiters are briefly reviewed.


