

Measurements of femtosecond laser pulses

  • 摘要: 随着飞秒激光技术的发展,飞秒激光脉冲的准确测量已成为非常重要的研究内容.文章在简要概述几种常见测量方法的基础上,着重综述了近年来发展起来的光学频率光栅开关法(FROG)及自参考光谱位相相干电场重建法(SPIDER),并介绍了文章作者进行的相关工作.


    Abstract: Recent progress in ultrafast laser technology has made it possible to generate pulses shorter than 2 cycles, so the accurate measurement of such pulses has become an important branch in ultrafast science. Based on the general description of the conventional autocorrelation method, we review the new developments in femtosecond laser diagnostics. In particular, two novel methods, frequency resolved optical gating(FROG) and spectral phase interferometry for direct electric field reconstruction(SPIDER), are described. Vario


