
同步辐射讲座 第三讲 软X射线显微术

Soft xray microscopy

  • 摘要: 对生物样品的研究,软X射线显微术具有独特的优势.例如,它能够对较厚的活性含水的生物样品直接进行显微成像以及元素分布的微区分析等.文章简要论述了软X射线显微术的衬度机制及其优势;列表概括了包括SCXM,TXM,STXM,Gabor全息以及衍射等几种类型的X射线显微术的基本特性;简要综述了合肥国家同步辐射实验室(NSRL)软X射线显微术的研究进展.


    Abstract: Soft X-ray microscopy has unique advantages in the study of biological specimens. It can provide micrographs of living hydrated thick samples and their elemental distribution with high resolution. The advantages and contrast of soft Xray microscopy are described briefly, and the basic characteristics of the microscopy technology such as SXCM, TXM, STXM, Gabor holography and diffraction are tabulated. An overview is also given of the progress of soft Xray microscopy at the National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory in Hefei.


